Julia Esther

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Balance your Crown Chakra! Mondays are Fundays Crystal Reading for the Week of Janurary 12th-January 19th

Greetings beautiful souls!!. How is everybody doing? I hope all your energies have been replenished with Garnet, last week’s Mondays are Fundays Crystal reading. As we know Garnet the stone of “Honesty,” was the perfect manifestation tool needed to draw one’s inner force, and deep internal strength in finding one’s personal honest truth, dreams and desires. Lets not forget that this weekend our energies were magnified by the major lunar eclipse and full moon of January 10th, 2020.

This ‘Wolf Moon,’ as they call it, was really intense, specially since it was under the zodiac sign, Cancer. Cancers, known as Cosmic Moon Children (CMC), rely on their emotions because they are ruled by the moon so they tend to hold on to things and those they love, regardless of what they’ve done to be placed in the “FUCK IT BUCKET.”

Regardless, It was really an emotional time for many — it was the moment of truth, self evaluation of ones personal life’s experiences, good or bad and the need to shed away anything and anyone that was left lingering in the “FUCK IT BUCKET.” So even if you are not a ‘Cancer’zodiac sign, this “Wolf Moon’s” energy, felt like of a Cancer’s, so you might just felt emotional and weird if you are not used to tapping deep, down into your emotions.

I must admit, from a personal experience; hence, I am a Cancer too — it was like carving out deep, down to the roots of my emotions and bringing all that needed to be brought out to the surface, so I could release it to the light, and the Universe. I didn’t realize that I needed to ‘purge,’ hit and empty the trash can, so I can make room for the new, the innovative and the promising. I must admit, this transition and moment of truth was painful but beautiful — a bittersweet ending for a better and brighter 2020. I guess I couldn’t have done it without the help of Garnet and the “Wolf Moon.” So cheers to that and thank you Universe. 🙏🏼

So tell me, what did you experience during this ‘Wolf Moon?’ Were you wearing Garnet? Was it the same for you? Feel free to share in the comments below. I would love to hear your story.

Now on to the reading. I am really excited to see what our Divine message is this week. In today’s reading I will be using — Crystals, The Stone Deck by Andrew Smart and the affirmations of the day from the wisdom oracle deck, Reawakening the Soul, By Sundara Fawn and Sacred Geometry Activations Oracle by LON. I always like to start with a prayer while I am shuffling the deck. The Divine has a unique way of showing their message.

Dear God, Divine Light, Spirit guides, Angels, and our Universe, we have embarked into a new journey, a new year, a new opportunity to find peace, joy and enlightenment for our mind, body and Spirit.

Please guide us in making the best possible choices in our week ahead, release us from any negative thoughts and allow us to embrace positive change so we can manifest all of our wishes and desires in this new year. Allow us to receive these beautiful crystal readings and uplifting Oracle messages for the week of : Jan 12th - Jan 20th, 2020.

Your Divine guidance is much appreciated and reciprocated with love. We are very grateful!

Namaste 🙏🏼


“Tiger Eye”

Message:  Balance your whole being!

Wow….Our angels want us to regain the strength that was released with our recent lunar/full moon eclipse. Perhaps the need of releasing negative energy into the light, during this lunar eclipse, was just the beginning of something amazing. But this moments of truth, took away a lot of good emotional, spiritual and physical energy, specially affecting our Crown Chakra, the Violet Flower of Life— our biggest supporter of our spiritual connection to the Universe and our ability to transmute negative energy into the light.

Our Divine guidance sure wants to help us regain the balance needed for our whole being. It is time to wear Tiger Eye so we can regain the strength we lost during this powerful full moon eclipse and for so many, a “life changing,” one. It is only natural that during these transitions, new changes and new beginnings, one needs the strength to stay grounded and centered.

Tiger's Eye, the Stone of “Strength” — will continue to give the vitality one needs along with strength and practical solutions, all that is needed to manifest and stimulate physical and effective actions. There is a need of staying on track, balance and in tune with our spiritual connections and the universe, now more than ever. Perhaps, along with Tiger Eye, living in the present moment and staying connected to our Universe by meditating will help regain a clear perspective on what will be the next step to take and find the balance one needs in this spiritual journey.

Tiger Eye, a member of the Quartz family, with a hardness 7.0, is a silicone dioxide mineral with a hexagonal (trigonal), fibrous aggregate. Its chatoyance, iridescent and colorful bands of yellow-brown to golden color, was formed from a hawk's eye through pseudomorphism of Crocidolite in Quartz. It is found mainly in South Africa, but also found in India, Burma, Western Australia and the USA.

Like a “Golden Ray,” Tiger Eye charges your desires to persevere on difficult situations, strengthening one's courage to withstand challenges of physical life while remaining grounded, calm and centered −regardless of the outer or inner situations.

Tiger Eye and Chakras Activation:

Metaphysically, crystals can help raise the vibrations for each of in-body chakra. We will refer to the main seven core chakras, each having a specific function and linked to a major nerve plexus that regulates and activates each core’s physical, psychological, and spiritual functions. The in-body chakra system is often seen as a rainbow, with each chakra progressing through the seven colors of the rainbow, from the first chakra (red) located in the hips to the seventh chakra ( white) located at the top of the head.

Solar Plexus (3rd Chakra) 💛 - Located below the breast bone, is our source of “Will Power.” Tiger Eye, will highly activate and energize one’s solar plexus to accomplish the imperatives of the will, giving one primal strength and courage to withstand highly challenging situations.

Sacral (2nd Chakra) 🧡 - Located below the navel, is our source of “Emotions.” Tiger Eye stimulates one’s Sacral Chakra, increasing one’s passion to live, love and laugh and enhance creative will while removing fears, overcoming fatigue and discouragement.

Root (1st Chakra) ❤️ - Located at base point of spine, is our source of “Survival.” Tiger Eye activates one’s physical energies by helping one remain grounded, calm and centered while increasing mental clarity, discernment and logical and rational decision making.

Tiger Eye’s Spiritual, Emotional & Physical Effects

Like all stones, Tiger Eye will promote or instill Metaphysical qualities for emotional, spiritual and physical healing.

Spiritually, Tiger Eye will raise your spiritual vibrations and level of consciousness. It will assist one to have spiritual stamina and assist with balance between the mundane and awareness of the underlying polarities, of opposites vibrations, like between the spiritual and the physical, lightness vs. darkness, etc,.

Emotionally, Tiger Eye will instill emotional harmony to vanish away discord due from different viewpoints and beliefs system. It can assist those with emotional rationality, balance and discernment.

Physically, Tiger Eye will fortify one’s blood to support general vitality. It will strengthen the endocrine system and assists in bringing one's hormones and biochemistry into balance.


If you are lacking strength this week, know that with the Tiger Eye you will regain your emotional stability and will find the strength and confidence to withstand any challenges you might be faced with, during, and after life changing experiences, even the mundane. Know that you will regain control, courage and vitality of your personal and professional life, and revive your strength, balance, with clarity, fairness and discernment.

Practice the daily Affirmation below and embrace the new changes that are trying to come into your life this week, or when you wear or carry your Tiger Eye.

Daily Affirmation for the Week of

January 12h - January 20th, 2020

Repeat this affirmation daily to help you manifest all that you desire.

I act with confidence, clarity, balance, fairness, enthusiasm and strength.

The Oracle Cards Message is:

“Live in the Present Moment”

I live in the present moment where peace resides.

Namaste 🙏🏼

Close your eyes and go deep within and ask yourself if you are living the present moment or are you living in the past or future? Are you happy with your current situation or do you feel like you are chasing life? What can you do to change these habits of not living the present moment?

Suggestions: Take some time to meditate in a regular basis and ask the Universe, and the Divine masters how you can connect with the wisdom of the Universe to expand your awareness and come back to now, the present moment?! Only then you will realized how in-tuned you are with the Universe, and accept its Divinity.

Featured Tiger’s Eye Items In Julia Esther’s Collection

It is not a matter of believing what these amazing gifts from “The Heavens” can do for you, but really appreciating their powerful qualities and how you carry the stone with you. It is preferably in a jewelry form, so you are able to instill its Metaphysical properties in its purest form.

The Tiger’s Eye bracelets in our Collection were created for this purpose, to help you achieve your highest self, and harmony within. Each of our bracelets are handcrafted with the best quality Semi-precious stones and materials for you to enjoy for many years to come. Our Stones’ Index will also help you narrow down the search for the perfect stone you are in need of, so please feel free to browse.

In Conclusion

Hope you have enjoyed our second January’s — Mondays are Fundays crystal reading. In the coming days, put your energy toward wearing Tiger Eye and allow for it to give you the balance, strength and courage to continue in your journey of manifestation. Perhaps, if you allowed yourself to experience the release of deep, true emotions that held you back and you released with the aid of last crystal, Garnet and released it during the “Wolf Moon,” then really pat yourself in the back because you my friend accomplished some major personal growth and are ready for the next step in the manifestation year, 2020.

Meditating and regaining the strength with Tiger Eye is highly recommended these days so one can continue in one’s spiritual journey and manifestation. Hard work doesn’t come easy and releasing these negative energies that leave one in a hanged man state is not easy either. Realize that the Universe, God and all of our Divine guidance is here to help you find anything your true hearts desire, but you have to do the work to prove you are Spirit.

Perhaps, emptying the trash from the “FUCK IT BUCKET,” everyday and releasing what no longer serves you, might be just what the soul needs. If you are like me, that holds on to meaningful things, some confuse as clingy, then learn to release those emotions because regardless, they are not good for the soul, they don’t allow for new things and people to come your way, and by hitting the trash button, you have really come far in learning to accept that some people just don’t have it in them to change, so no matter how much you try to help them, they are the ones that need to deal with their own monsters. So go on release any thing in your “FUCK IT BUCKET.” and hit that trash button baby. Have a peaceful recovery.

Remember that “The light in me honors the light within you”

Namaste 🙏🏼❤️

P.S. Take advantage of our Tiger’s Eye sale. Only happening this week. Happy Shopping.

The Quote of the Week

DISCLAIMER: This website/blog is not intended as a substitute for the medical advice of physicians. The reader should regularly consult a physician in matters relating to his/her health and particularly with respect to any symptoms that may require diagnosis or medical attention. Crystal Healing is very effective but is not for everyone. It is a slow, gradual improvement on a time exposure basis. Please seek medical professional advice if you require fast, medical attention.


1. Cyndi, D. (2016). Complete Book of Chakras. Woodbury, MN: Llewellyn’s.

2. Robert. S & Naisha A. (2005, 2007). The Book of Stones. East Montpelier, VT: Heaven & Earth Publishing.

3. Judy H. (2016). The Crystal Wisdom Healing Oracle Deck, London UK. Watkins.

4. Sundara F. (2014). Reawakening the Soul Wisdom Cards. China. Fawn

5. LON (2016). Sacred Geometry Activations Oracle, Hillsboro, Oregon: Beyond Words