Julia Esther

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Something Exciting Lies Ahead! -- Mondays are Fundays Crystal Reading for the Week of May 25th - June 6th, 2020

Hello, hello. Oh my goodness, we have reached the last reading for the month of May! Can you believe it????. I think we should all be very proud for hanging in there, for staying together during this lock-down and doing everything possible as a family and a community during one of the most impacting worldwide pandemic. We must admit, this has been one of the most challenging time of our lifetime, impacting humanity at all levels — Spiritually, mentally, physically and financially. We will never forget this horrible experience as we all have been tested to the core of survival. But it is important to recognize that the level of creativity in trying to stay pro-active and positive, while this horrible pandemic slowly vanishes, has brought unexpected aha moments to the Collective, possibly changing ones path, one’s luck and even one’s perspective of what is mostly important— the love for family, Mother Gia and humanity.

But, let’s not ignore the big elephant in the room— our loving Universe, having at this time, a lot of planetary movements and more than the usual planets in retrograde; like Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, & Pluto. For the most part, planetary retrogrades, make most of us, if not everyone (depending on the planetary positions at the time of your birth) feeling sometimes unease, searching for Divine answers that will help define one’s path from karmic past life’s lessons — all which seem to come back to the present during retrograde motions. We must understand that during these times, we can have a chance to make up anything that once did not worked out, at a personal and a professional level. This is the perfect time to resolve unfinished business(es) and even, with a little luck, have the wheel turn in one’s favor due to Divine judgment(s). Regardless, during these times and as the Collective, we all can have the chance to release all the heavy burdens, and subconscious energies that have blocked us in the past, present and even carried on into the future. It is the time to allow for evolution of a higher level of consciousness. So are you ready?

Now lets get on with today’s reading. I will be using — The Crystal Spirits Oracle, by Colette Baron-Reid and the affirmations of the day from the wisdom oracle deck, Reawakening the Soul, By Sundara Fawn and Moonology Oracle Cards by Yasmin Boland. The Divine has a unique way of showing their message(s). And like always— I like to start with a prayer while I am shuffling the deck.

Dear God, Divine Light, Spirit guides, Angels, and our Universe, we have embarked into a new journey, a new day, a new opportunity to find peace, joy and enlightenment for our mind, body and Spirit. We are asking for your divine guidance, with these beautiful crystal readings and uplifting Oracle messages for the week of:

May 25th - June 6th, 2020.

Please guide us in making the best possible choices in our weeks ahead, release us from any negative thoughts and allow us to embrace only positive changes so we can manifest all of our wishes and desires.

Your Divine guidance is very much appreciated and reciprocated with love. We are very grateful!

Namaste 🙏🏼



Angels’ Messages: Be aware that something exciting lies ahead with the aid of Citrine. Open your self to the inspiration of your creative imagination, and through the strength of your will, aligned with Divine will, you will manifest your dreams. As emotions run high, so is the passion for making a change and going after your true desires and release fear — but you need to take action because a resolution to all of your uncertainty is closer than you may think, it is just a matter of trusting your will, the Spirit of Citrine, the Divine and the Universe.

⁓ Citrine ⁓

Citrine, the stone of “Manifestation,” has the metaphysical power to give you personal will, mental clarity and creativity to manifest ANYTHING your true and deepest inner heart’s desires. It’s like a magic wand ready to be shaken and be given a command to do what you ask it to do. But be very careful on what you wish for because even the unexpected thoughts can go into manifestation.

Mineral: Silicone Dioxide

Crystal System: hexagonal (trigonal)

Hardness: 7.0

Color: from very pale yellow to Amber and nearly orange. Some can even have brownish tinges of specimens.

Name Origin: The French called it “Citron,” due to its beautiful lemon-like color resemblance.

Place of Origin: references as early as 300 B.C. used by Greeks and Romans for jewelry making during the first and second centuries A.D.

Deposits: Most natural deposits are found in Brazil, Africa, Madagascar, Spain, Russia, France, Scotland and the USA.

⁓ Citrine & Chakras Activation ⁓

Metaphysically, Citrine stones and crystals can help raise the vibrations of multiple chakras in your inner sources of energy.

Root (1st Chakra) ❤️ - Located at base point of spine, is our source of “Survival.”

Sacral (2nd Chakra) 🧡 - Located below the navel, is our source of “Emotions.”

Solar Plexus (3rd Chakra) 💛 - Located below breast bone, is our source of “Power”

It's said that, Citrine, awakens the creative powers of human beings, even “the not so creative,” the unconscious. It activates one's root, sacral, solar plexus chakras, including, the third eye chakra by stimulating one’s imagination — opening the realm of realization with the beyond, the now, the what could, should, would be, the future. It harmonizes these energy centers necessary for one to start in the creative imagination process and go after it.

Both the natural and common Citrine have metaphysical powers, and they are both helpful in assisting one, but they do have difference in metaphysical effects.. Below I will go into the Spiritual, Emotional and Physical effects of each one of them.

⁓ Natural Citrine ⁓

Spiritual, Emotional & Physical Effects

Like all crystals, Citrine will promote or instill Metaphysical qualities for emotional, spiritual and physical healing.

Spiritually, Natural Citrine is the great magician, the manifesto, assisting one in putting forward all of one’s intentions into actions. The will to proceed magnifies even when there is a “yield”, from obstacle(s) that appears in one’s path. Assists one into purifying the manifestation gateway with Divine energy.

Emotionally, Natural Citrine assist one in maintaining adversity to overcome difficulty at bay, and giving one the courage to take concrete decisions with clarity. It frees the mind from thinking and feeling of being undeserving or abundance.

Physically, Natural Citrine will enhance physical stamina and energy levels. It helps support the endocrine system and encourages proper metabolism.

⁓ Heated Citrine ⁓

Spiritually, Common Citrine marries the energy of the mind with that of the will. It helps one perceive issues of power use, boundaries and manifestation. It stimulates the mind and can assist in learning.

Emotionally, Common Citrine helps to lighten dark thoughts and brings optimism, playfulness and happiness into one’s energy systems. It gives one a “second wind” to face difficult situations.

Physically, Common Citrine is helpful for digestive issues and metabolism. It can be used to support weight loss and two increase energy during exercise.

In Conclusion:

In conclusion,

Our Angels want us to know that, as our emotions run high, we need to trust in the Spirit of Citrine during these difficult times. Citrine’s presence can give one the willpower to make a change, because Citrine will amplify the importance of finding the joy which lies beneath everything one chooses to do. It will also help one release negative past life’s experiences by bringing one the joy to amplify one’s true desires. Your Spirit, creativity, imagination, will power and everything one chooses to do, will be ten times magnified by Citrine’s energy— just to help you overcome, anything and everything that may have prevented you from manifesting your deepest desires. But, beware, success might be just around the corner so are you ready for what lies ahead and accept all the manifesting power Citrine’s Spirit has to offer?

Always remember that “The light in me honors the light within you.”

Namaste 🙏🏼❤️

P.S. Don’t miss Labor Day Flash Sale. Have fun and be safe.

Citrine Items In Julia Esther’s Collection

Julia Esther continues in her journey of finding amazing crystals to add to her collection of Jewelry. Our mission is and always will be to — harmonize your mind, body and Spirit to help you achieve your highest self, and harmony within, the reason why our Collection was created!

Please know that Julia Esther is about quality not quantity. Each of our bracelets is handcrafted with the best quality Semi-precious stones or materials for you to enjoy for many years to come. And as we get more in-tuned with our spiritual journey, our collection will keep growing, we keep looking for stones that will give you the energies and beautiful qualities that is meant to instill.

⁓ Oracle Cards Messages ⁓


Reawakening the Soul Deck

Message: Know and understand what is happening in your created world.

Know and understand the importance of the world you are creating for yourself? Are you happy? Sad? Stressed? Relax? Lucky? Unlucky? to name a few. Be aware of the thoughts that quickly come through your mind and know that the world you have created, has mainly evolved from those thoughts that got manifested into reality. Know that your thoughts are in alignment with intentions and only you can control the process of evolution of your thoughts and desires. Be aware of what you must burn away so you are free to spread your wings and soar!


Go deep within and ask yourself: Am I completely authentic? Am I living the present moment? Can I love and embrace the perfection of my life exactly as it appears in this moment? Contemplate in the idea of everything you want to have at this moment you can have it just the way you want it.

“Emotions are running High”

Moonology Oracle Card Message

Emotions running high? Don’t fret.. The Supermoon card is a representation of a good omen awaiting to happen either now, or in the next Full Supermoon cycle. It is just a matter of taking charge of the situation and making the changes (s) one truly desires. Rest assure your intentions and all your hard work will pay off. Whatever your asking or you are wondering how successful something is going to be? like a relationship, a job, the answer is very positive. So consider yourself lucky, because this card represents anything and everything bursting with good, positive energy. Plenty of good things and positive outcome coming your way. But you can’t ignore it because something exciting lies ahead for sure. The question is, are you going to sit and don’t do anything about it or are you going to take action? Just be ready, and trust in the Divine Guidance.

Recommended: The moon is the Queen of Emotions. Attune to the moon and pay attention to its cycles. Meditate under the moon, preferably at its Full-Moon cycle. Tell her your deepest desires and you will see how your worries will vanish, and your wishes will start to come true.

⁓ Daily Affirmations for the Week of ⁓

May 25th - June 6th, 2020

I open myself to the inspiration of my creative imagination, and through the strength of my will, aligned with Divine will, I manifest my dreams.

Namaste 🙏🏼❤️

⁓The Quote of the Week⁓

DISCLAIMER: This website/blog is not intended as a substitute for the medical advice of physicians. The reader should regularly consult a physician in matters relating to his/her health and particularly with respect to any symptoms that may require diagnosis or medical attention. Crystal Healing is very effective but is not for everyone. It is a slow, gradual improvement on a time exposure basis. Please seek medical professional advice if you require fast, medical attention.


1. Cyndi, D. (2016). Complete Book of Chakras. Woodbury, MN: Llewellyn’s.

2. Robert. S & Naisha A. (2005, 2007). The Book of Stones. East Montpelier, VT: Heaven & Earth Publishing.

3. Judy H. (2016). The Crystal Wisdom Healing Oracle Deck, London UK. Watkins.

4. Sundara F. (2014). Reawakening the Soul Wisdom Cards. China. Fawn

5. LON (2016). Sacred Geometry Activations Oracle, Hillsboro, Oregon: Beyond Words

6. COLLETE BARON-REID (2019). The Crystal Spirits Oracle, CA. Hayhouse, INC.