Julia Esther

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You Have Come A long Ways!! - Mondays are Fundays Crystal Reading for the Week of August 17th-August 31st, 2020

Hello…..Hello spiritual souls!! How is everyone doing these days? We must admit there has been a lot of activities for the Spiritual souls in the Heavens these past few months. If you follow my readings, you will know what I am referring to.

We have all gone through major shifts in our lives, Spiritually, mentally and physically. All that we have experienced in the world today, has proven to us that, “as a society,” we can come together to lean and help each other in these times of need. It doesn’t have to be monetary, lending a kind word can mean the world to someone else.

We must admit that we all have been put in such a state of reflection and caused some of us to retrieve from the exterior world and go deep within— that is me 🙋🏻‍♀️. For me, it has been super hard to cope with all these energies, including my own, but I am always guided by my Divine guidance to keep going in this journey, keep doing what I am doing — to keep guiding you in your Spiritual journey. This is why I love giving these crystal readings because our Divine Guidance is here to send us their messages, to guide us on how to stay positive and keep moving forward. It would be nice to hear how you are coping with all these energies? Let me know in the comments below. And if I can be of any Spiritual assistance email me at zensual@juliaesther.com. I am happy to help. 😊🙏🏼

Now, lets get on with this reading. For this reading, the Angels guided me to use — Crystal Medicine Oracle, Shamanish Cards, by Rachelle Charman and as always continue using the affirmations of the day from the wisdom oracle deck, Reawakening the Soul, By Sundara Fawn, because I feel that the Divine has a unique way of showing their message(s). And like always— I like to start with a prayer while I am shuffling the deck.

Dear God, Divine Light, Spirit guides, Angels, and our Universe, we have embarked into a new journey, a new day, a new opportunity to find peace, joy and enlightenment for our mind, body and Spirit. We are asking for your divine guidance, with these beautiful crystal readings and uplifting Oracle messages for the week of: August 17th - August 31st , 2020.

Please guide us in making the best possible choices in our weeks ahead, release us from any negative thoughts and allow us to embrace only positive changes so we can manifest all of our wishes and desires.

Your Divine guidance is very much appreciated and reciprocated with love. We are very grateful!

Namaste 🙏🏼


“Rhodonite, Black Sheen Obsidian & Red Jasper”

Angels’ Messages: You Have Come A Long Ways by Reflecting & Transforming. Now It Is Time to Celebrate!

Wow..😲. Spirit truly knows how hard we have been working these past few months in finding our Spirit during these difficult times. Like Winter hibernating months, we have truly taken the time to go deep within with the Spirit of Rhodonite to help us reflect upon what our heart’s truly desired. Then, guiding us to the Spirit of Sheen Obsidian so we can have the Spirit of the Snake, to find the courage within to purge all that no longer served us and shed the old, so we can transform and vibrate into the new self. There is a need to reconnect with the Spirit of Red Jasper, to embrace the Spirit of a Sacred Ceremony, to celebrate all that has been accomplished, all the good efforts that have not gone unseen by our Divine Guidance, God, the Universe.

And, let’s not ignore the magical message behind each card’s Numerology. Notice if we add the numbers of each card into a single digit, they each add to number 4. In numerology, the number 4 is a powerful number.

(Rhodonite = 22, if you add it to a single digit 2+2= 4).

(Sheen Obsidian = 31, if you add it to a single digit 3+1= 4).

(Red Jasper = 4 , if you add it to a single digit 4+0= 4).

The results is 444

The number four is all about foundation, reformation & establishing order, systems, and the practical in work and living conditions. — It is about finding the balance, and centering of the mind, body and Spirit. but notice that it is magnified X 3 — a powerful master number which reflect divine connection with our Angels, and we are truly been guided, protected and blessed. 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼❤️❤️❤️😊😊😊

⁓ Conclusion ⁓

In Conclusion,

We know It hasn’t been easy, and Spirit knows that. This is why they want us to really know that they are proud of all our accomplishments, of truly going deep within, reflecting on what needed to change and having the courage to transform and shed the old. Now, it is the time to celebrate all our efforts, and embrace the source of good Chi, vital energy needed in the development of Spiritual evolution.

So if you have felt like nothing is going or moving forward, think again, because the message here today, is that our Divine Guidance is watching all of our efforts. And, if you feel like you have failed them because you are questioning their existence, your spiritual believe or evolution— think again. Trust is the Divine because they are truly guiding every step of your higher level of awareness. And through these crystal readings, they are here to assist you in accomplishing all your spiritual, mental and physical needs.

We have the green light to continue in our journey of spiritual evolution. We have their Divine guidance and their approval, the recognition to continue doing what we are doing because we will be rewarded for all our efforts. So let’s carry on and continue in our happy evolution and celebrate our existence, our sorrows, our failures, but most importantly— our efforts.

Always remember that “The light in me honors the light within you.”

Namaste 🙏🏼❤️

Thank you for reading my Crystal readings. Feel free to share 😌🙏🏼💕. Need the above crystals? Check out Julia Esther’s Collection.

Rhodonite, Sheen Obsidian & Red Jasper Items In

Julia Esther’s Collection

Julia Esther continues in her journey of finding amazing crystals to add to her collection of Jewelry. Our mission is and always will be to — harmonize your mind, body and Spirit to help you achieve your highest self, and harmony within, the reason why our Collection was created!

Please know that Julia Esther is about quality not quantity. Each of our bracelets is handcrafted with the best quality Semi-precious stones or materials for you to enjoy for many years to come. And as we get more in-tuned with our spiritual journey, our collection will keep growing, we keep looking for stones that will give you the energies and beautiful qualities that is meant to instill.

⁓ Oracle Cards Messages ⁓


Reawakening the Soul Deck

Message: Your Core Essence Is Peace!

Finding Peace Within

Your core and your soul is the perfection of Peace when you know and understand this truth, you begin to bring this awareness everyday and live in peace.


Go deep within and ask yourself:

Do I feel peace throughout my daily activities? How can I bring more peace into my life? How would it feel to live every moment in the consciousness of peace?

Remain in the positive and peaceful state by making a conscious effort to hold on to this feeling and carry it with you throughout the day. This deep peace and sense of trust will be your anchor during your daily life experience.

⁓ Daily Affirmations for the Week of ⁓

August 17th - August 31st, 2020

My physical vitality, emotional balance and personal integrity and enjoyment of life grow ever stronger!

Namaste 🙏🏼❤️

⁓The Quote of the Week⁓

DISCLAIMER: This website/blog is not intended as a substitute for the medical advice of physicians. The reader should regularly consult a physician in matters relating to his/her health and particularly with respect to any symptoms that may require diagnosis or medical attention. Crystal Healing is very effective but is not for everyone. It is a slow, gradual improvement on a time exposure basis. Please seek medical professional advice if you require fast, medical attention.


1. Cyndi, D. (2016). Complete Book of Chakras. Woodbury, MN: Llewellyn’s.

2. Robert. S & Naisha A. (2005, 2007). The Book of Stones. East Montpelier, VT: Heaven & Earth Publishing.

3. Judy H. (2016). The Crystal Wisdom Healing Oracle Deck, London UK. Watkins.

4. Sundara F. (2014). Reawakening the Soul Wisdom Cards. China. Fawn

5. LON (2016). Sacred Geometry Activations Oracle, Hillsboro, Oregon: Beyond Words

6. COLLETE BARON-REID (2019). The Crystal Spirits Oracle, CA. Hayhouse, INC.

7. Charman R. (2019). Crystal Medicine Oracle Shaminan Cards. China. Rockpool Publishings.

8. Juno J. (2016). Numerology. The Romance in your Name. California, USA, DeVorss Publications.