Julia Esther

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New and Passionate Beginnings! - Fundays Crystal Reading for the Week of April 26th - May 9th, 2021

Oh boy, what a mystical and mysterious energies the collective is experiencing from this full moon—Pink Super Moon— how beautiful but very, very intense. This full moon in the sign of Scorpio during Taurus season, makes these energies even more intensified, as Scorpio’s, water energy, is all about the emotional realm, going way deep inside one’s subconscious to investigate why one has these deep, down rooted emotions that hinders one’s progress, bringing them to the surface and push for endings and radical transformations. But, It doesn’t end all there though, there is a lot happening in the mix with the energies of the loving but stubborn nature of Taurus. These energies can contradict with Scorpio’s, as Taurus, Earth sign, is all about mastering ones ability to manifest the tangible into the physical, for our sense of stability, wealth, and power and going way deep down and feeling these levels of emotions is just not a good feeling for my Earthy Taurus.. So be prepared, as your level of psyche, sexual desires and strong desires to find the answers will increase during this time, pushing one for a time of re-birth while there is a influential need of staying grounded, practical and in control.

I wanted to mention, that I am not an Astrologer; but, I am very tuned in to these energies as I am fascinated by Astrology. I am just giving you a little insight on what you might experience but know there is a lot more going on in the mix, so If you are curious, again Scorpios energy, then I would suggest lots of videos on YouTube that talk about the powerful transits that we will be experiencing. 🙏🏼❤️

Now, let’s get with today’s reading. I will be using a new deck that I find so beautiful by Debbie Malone —Guardian Angel Reading Cards and Chakra Love, Raise your Crystal Vibrations by Katie Manekshaw. The Divine has a unique way of showing their messages. And like always— like to start with a prayer while I am shuffling the deck.

Dear God, Divine Light, Spirit guides, Angels, and our Universe, we are in need of your divine guidance throughout this transformational times. We ask for your divine messages with the aid of these meaningful crystal readings and uplifting Oracle messages.

Please give us the messages you want us to hear for the weeks of:

April 26th - May 9th, 2021

Please guide us in making the best possible choices in our new weeks ahead, release us from any negative emotions and allow us to embrace positive changes so we can find emotional healing but most importantly—Peace and Light.

Your Divine guidance is very much appreciated and reciprocated with love. We are very grateful!

Namaste 🙏🏼


“Tiger’s Eye”

Crystal Spirit Message: New and Passionate Beginnings!

Oh wow!!!! What a beautiful card and message our Angels and our Divine Guidance given us today. They are aware that we are going through major shifts in our lives and that perhaps, we’re feeling a little tired and worn out with all our personal and emotional battles and maybe even feeling alone, like no one really cares and even lost a little bit of hope. Spirit knows that they are in every moment in your life specially when you call for help. They know that we need help in order to have the energy to engage in a new beginnings.

Know that with Tiger's Eye, the Stone of “Strength” will continue to give the vitality one needs along with strength and practical solutions—all that is needed to manifest and stimulate physical and effective actions. There is a need of staying on track, balance and in tune with our spiritual connections and the universe, now more than ever. Perhaps, along with Tiger Eye, living in the present moment and staying connected to our Universe by meditating will help regain a clear perspective on what will be the next step to take and find the balance one needs in this spiritual journey.

The spirit of Tiger’s eye, will help you with gaining back your stamina to overcome and battle anything that one has still need to overcome by raising the lower chakras vibrations so one can get back the level of confidence one might be lacking off during challenging times.


⁓ Tiger’s Eye ⁓

Tiger’s Eye

Mineral: silicone dioxide (Member of the Quartz Family)

Crystal System: hexagonal (trigonal), fibrous aggregate

Chakras Activation:

Root (1st Chakra) ❤️ - Located at base point of spine, is our source of “Survival.”

Sacral (2nd Chakra) 🧡 - Located below the navel, is our source of “Emotions.”

Solar Plexus (3rd Chakra) 💛 - Located below the breast bone, is our source of “Will Power.”

Hardness: 7.0

Color: Its chatoyance, iridescent and colorful bands of yellow-brown to golden color, was formed from a hawk's eye through pseudomorphism of Crocidolite in Quartz.

Name Origin: n/a

Place of Origin: n/a

Deposits: South Africa, but also found in India, Burma, Western Australia and the USA.

⁓ Spiritual, Emotional & Physical Benefits

Like all stones, Tiger's Eye will promote or instill Metaphysical qualities for emotional, spiritual and physical healing.

Spiritually, Tiger's Eye will raise your spiritual vibrations and level of consciousness. It will assist one to have spiritual stamina and assist with balance between the mundane and awareness of the underlying polarities, of opposites vibrations, like between the spiritual and the physical, lightness vs. darkness, etc,.

Emotionally, Tiger's Eye will instill emotional harmony to vanish away discord due from different viewpoints and beliefs system. It can assist those with emotional rationality, balance and discernment.

Physically, Tiger's Eye will fortify one’s blood to support general vitality. It will strengthen the endocrine system and assists in bringing one's hormones and biochemistry into balance.

In Conclusion,

We know that a lot is going in the mix with all these lunar phases as well as planetary transits that can really affect one way of seeing, thinking and even acting. However, Spirit know that ‘Tiger’s Eye,’ is the stone that will help us find the courage and willpower we need to move forward with our inner battles, and help us overcome any challenges we might be experiencing during these times.

Our Divine guidance sure wants us to know that we are been guided, even when you feel you are not connecting with them. They want to help us regain the balance needed for our well being and it is only natural that during these transitions of new changes and new beginnings, one is in need of strength to stay grounded and centered. Just know that we are not alone on this, we are together.

Always remember that “The light in me honors the light within you.”

Namaste 🙏🏼❤️

Pyrite Items In Julia Esther’s Zensual Jewelry and Home Collection

Julia Esther continues in her journey of finding amazing crystals to add to her collection of Jewelry. Our mission is and always will be to — harmonize your mind, body and Spirit to help you achieve your highest self, and harmony within, the reason why our Collection was created!

Please know that Julia Esther is about quality not quantity. Each of our bracelets is handcrafted with the best quality Semi-precious stones or materials for you to enjoy for many years to come. And as we get more in-tuned with our spiritual journey, our collection will keep growing, we keep looking for stones that will give you the energies and beautiful qualities that is meant to instill.

⁓ Daily Affirmations for the Weeks of ⁓

April 26th, 2021 - May 9th, 2021

I am excited that my Angel of New Beginnings is by my side to help me let go of the past and embrace the present and my future.

⁓The Oracle Cards Message ⁓

Card Message:

You have received this card because your Angel of New Beginnings has heard your fears about letting go of things in your life. This is time of new beginnings, new journeys and new adventures. At times when we undertake a new journey we can feel remorseful about the changes that are taking place in our lives, or become fearful of what lies ahead. Remember dear one, that everything happens for a reason. You have gone through huge changes that have allowed you to grow stronger spiritually. You do not have to undertake these new beginnings alone; you have your Angel of New Beginnings standing proudly by your side. She is supporting and guiding you in the right direction for future life experiences.

If you have currently going through the loss or a separation of a partner or loved one, don’t despair, your angel of New Beginnings is here to comfort you in your time of need. She will give you the strength and determination to carry on. By trusting in your Angel of New Beginnings you will discover that there is life after the ending of the situation you were in. This is a time to think of new beginning and something to look forward to. It is a time of discovery that will allow you to reconnect with all of the positives in your life. Think of this time as a time of planting the spiritual seeds of your future life. Imagine that the seeds have the words hope, love, dream, happiness, abundance, believe and joy written on them. In the future the seeds you have planted will grow into all the wishes you have given to the Universe to nurture. Soon you will be able to understand that you needed to start something new so that your Angel of New Beginnings could assist you by enhancing and enlightening your life. All you need is trust and believe.

Namaste 🙏🏼❤️

⁓The Quote of the Week⁓

DISCLAIMER: This website/blog is not intended as a substitute for the medical advice of physicians. The reader should regularly consult a physician in matters relating to his/her health and particularly with respect to any symptoms that may require diagnosis or medical attention. Crystal Healing is very effective but is not for everyone. It is a slow, gradual improvement on a time exposure basis. Please seek medical professional advice if you require fast, medical attention.


1. Cyndi, D. (2016). Complete Book of Chakras. Woodbury, MN: Llewellyn’s.

2. Robert. S & Naisha A. (2005, 2007). The Book of Stones. East Montpelier, VT: Heaven & Earth Publishing.

3. Judy H. (2016). The Crystal Wisdom Healing Oracle Deck, London UK. Watkins.

4. Sundara F. (2014). Reawakening the Soul Wisdom Cards. China. Fawn

5. LON (2016). Sacred Geometry Activations Oracle, Hillsboro, Oregon: Beyond Words

6. COLLETE BARON-REID (2019). The Crystal Spirits Oracle, CA. Hayhouse, INC.

7. HOVEY B. (2019) Soul Truth, Self-Awareness Card Deck, China. Hovey.