Julia Esther

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Rise Above the Fray! - Mondays are Fundays Crystal Reading for the Week of May 11th - May 24th, 2020

Hello beautiful souls! Oh my goodness! How are you all doing? How is social distancing going for you?

It sure has been a while. I have to admit that I had to take some time to balance these energies that I have been dealing with during these challenging times—I was not finding my self inspired to post any of my crystal readings, so I apologize.

You see, I have embarked in a new opportunity that came my way that is not in line with my spiritual purpose but was Divinely sent to me by the Universe, to help me get to the next chapter of my journey. This major shift, has been positive in many ways, but had pushed me to step outside the box of my comfort level creating a little bit of time conflict.

I now see its Heavenly purpose—why it came my way when I needed it the most, and its potential in helping me see things in a total new perspective. I had to find balance in some things that were not fitting in, blocking my path and preventing me from moving to the next level. It took a little time to understand why?! Though through my meditation, I was given the green light by the Divine to just go with the flow and allow for things to evolve, accept and just let go.

With this past full moon in Scorpio on May 7th, 2020, I now feel rejuvenated, infused and balanced than ever. So thank you Universe for allowing me to see the Light and let me accept these new changes that have come my way.

Now lets get on with today’s reading. I will be using — The Crystal Spirits Oracle, by Colette Baron-Reid and the affirmations of the day from the wisdom oracle deck, Reawakening the Soul, By Sundara Fawn The Divine has a unique way of showing their message. And like always— like to start with a prayer while I am shuffling the deck.

Dear God, Divine Light, Spirit guides, Angels, and our Universe, we have embarked into a new journey, a new year, a new opportunity to find peace, joy and enlightenment for our mind, body and Spirit. We are asking for your divine guidance, with these beautiful crystal readings and uplifting Oracle messages for the week of:

May 11th- May 24th, 2020.

Please guide us in making the best possible choices in our weeks ahead, release us from any negative thoughts and allow us to embrace positive changes so we can manifest all of our wishes and desires from this point on.

Your Divine guidance is very much appreciated and reciprocated with love. We are very grateful!

Namaste 🙏🏼



Message: Rising above the fray is much easier when you feel confident in your strength and know that the Conscious Universe is lighting the path for you.

Our Angels want us to know that there is no shame in feeling uncertain as one leaves behind the unfamiliar and embark in the new. Carnelian Spirit is here to help you find inner-will, strength and courage so you can move on forward, grow your confidence and one can experience dignity and poise even when it is clear that one is imperfect and not completely certain of what step to take next, especially during life’s changing experiences.

Wherever you might find yourself at this time, know that coming this far, you have grown so much and that you need to give yourself credit for making the best decisions for the good of all. Feel self-assured because one is connected to the Conscious Universe, one’s Co-creator, at all times and one is awake and alert, heeding the signs that guide one on the healing path— so hold your head high with dignity.

⁓ Carnelian ⁓

Carnelian will assist you to go within and full-fill your life with the vital energies your body needs so you can take action with confidence in manifesting whatever your heart’s truly needs and deeply desires, even during major life’s shifts. It is believed that it will give the wearer courage in battle. This ancient lore about Carnelian is not essentially different from contemporary intuitive beliefs about it, which see it as a stone that supports qualities of leadership and courage.

Mineral: Chalcedony, a mineral in the Quartz family

Crystal System:

Hardness: 7

Color: Orange-colored variety ranging from pale orange to deep red-orange or banded in varying shades.

Name Origin: From its resemblance in color to the Kornel type of cherry.

Place of Origin: India

Deposits: India (Finest), Brazil and Uruguay

⁓ Carnelian & Chakras Activation ⁓

Metaphysically, Carnelian stones can help raise the vibrations of multiple chakras in your inner sources of energy.

Carnelian works the:

Root (1st Chakra) ❤️ - Located at base point of spine, is our source of “Survival.”

Sacral (2nd Chakra) 🧡 - Located below the navel, is our source of “Emotions.”

Solar Plexus (3rd Chakra) 💛 - Located below breast bone, is our source of “Power”

⁓ Carnelian ⁓

Spiritual, Emotional & Physical Effects

Like all crystals, Carnelian will promote or instill Metaphysical qualities for emotional, spiritual and physical healing.

Spiritually, Carnelian can assist one in taking forward action to manifest one’s highest dreams and desires by removing procrastination.

Emotionally, Carnelian helps one with overcoming fear of taking action and of doing the wrong thing. It assists one to embrace change and transformation in one’s life.

Physically, Carnelian revitalizes and energizes the physical body and overall health by purifying and sanctifying the body from negative or hurtful physical habits, such as; alcohol, drugs or emotional negative patterns. It is especially useful in balancing and healing the ovaries or testies.

In Conclusion:

In conclusion, regardless where you find yourself at this moment, if you are feeling lack of courage, know that with Carnelian, you will find the desire to totally move forward and take the action to manifest one’s highest dreams and desires to overcome fear of taking action and of doing the wrong thing—even during life changing events.

Know that the time will come for you to embrace change and transform your life— regardless when this will be, you need to trust your path and feel grateful even for the smallest gifts in your life. But the most important thing is not to forget that you have come this far and you need to give yourself a pat in the back because this pandemic has sure tested our perseverance, our patience, our love for humanity and Mother Gai. We are all on this together and we have been tested to the limits and during this battle, why not have a little aid of the Carnelian Spirit?

Always remember that “The light in me honors the light within you”

Namaste 🙏🏼❤️

P.S. Stay positive. Thank you for reading this post and really I do appreciate you liking or sharing this posts with your friends. To show you my gratitude, when you subscribe to my newsletter, I will ship your items for free.

Carnelian Items In Julia Esther’s Collection

Julia Esther continues in her journey of finding amazing crystals to add to her collection of Jewelry. Our mission is and always will be to — harmonize your mind, body and Spirit to help you achieve your highest self, and harmony within, the reason why our Collection was created!

Please know that Julia Esther is about quality not quantity. Each of our bracelets is handcrafted with the best quality Semi-precious stones or materials for you to enjoy for many years to come. And as we get more in-tuned with our spiritual journey, our collection will keep growing, we keep looking for stones that will give you the energies and beautiful qualities that is meant to instill.

⁓The Oracle Cards Message ⁓


Expand your consciousness by utilizing every life experience.

Namaste 🙏🏼

The message here is that life is a constant wheel turning forward but also setback can turn your wheel to spin back. So how do we turn the wheel to constantly move forward? Simply by understanding life’s experiences as gifts of the Universe, whether good or bad consider these gifts as tokens of bringing you back awareness of Oneness—one evolves from personal changes and life’s experiences.

Perceived obstacles are opportunities that can be overcome by perseverance and wisdom and when you embrace the hardships of these aspects, only then one can face adversity and determination. Then you will start to grow, Spiritually, mentally and physically causing the wheel to turn forward.

Suggestions: Meditate and open yourself to higher realm of consciousness. Silence your mind and listen to your soul, deep within your inner voice of truth. Pay attention to your dreams and follow your desire to follow your dreams and start to create abundance and to the whisper from the Divine that every second matters and don’t get lost in the duality of things that can block one’s good intentions.

Go deep within and ask yourself:

Do I accept change? Am I willing to take 100% responsibility for my life? Do I allow myself to grow from my hardships and suffering? Can I embrace every situation in a positive way. You won’t believe how by meditating, you start to find the answers.

⁓ Daily Affirmations for the Week of ⁓

May 11th - May 24th, 2020

I respond positively to all of life’s experiences and allow myself to grow.

⁓The Quote of the Week⁓

DISCLAIMER: This website/blog is not intended as a substitute for the medical advice of physicians. The reader should regularly consult a physician in matters relating to his/her health and particularly with respect to any symptoms that may require diagnosis or medical attention. Crystal Healing is very effective but is not for everyone. It is a slow, gradual improvement on a time exposure basis. Please seek medical professional advice if you require fast, medical attention.


1. Cyndi, D. (2016). Complete Book of Chakras. Woodbury, MN: Llewellyn’s.

2. Robert. S & Naisha A. (2005, 2007). The Book of Stones. East Montpelier, VT: Heaven & Earth Publishing.

3. Judy H. (2016). The Crystal Wisdom Healing Oracle Deck, London UK. Watkins.

4. Sundara F. (2014). Reawakening the Soul Wisdom Cards. China. Fawn

5. LON (2016). Sacred Geometry Activations Oracle, Hillsboro, Oregon: Beyond Words

6. COLLETE BARON-REID (2019). The Crystal Spirits Oracle, CA. Hayhouse, INC.