Our Angels have a message. Rose Quartz, The Crystal for The Week of December 2nd-December 9th

Hello, hello everyone. I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend with all your family and friends and were able to experience the gentle and loving energy of Rose Quartz. It seems not long ago, I was posting the first November Crystal reading and now, we starting the month of December. I am excited to see what our Angels and the Universe have in store for us this month. So are you ready for December’s — Mondays are Fundays, crystal reading?

Let’s get started, I will continue to use, The Crystal Wisdom Healing Oracle Deck by Judy Hall and the affirmations of the day from the wisdom oracle deck, Reawakening the Soul, By Sundara Fawn. I always like to start with a prayer while I am shuffling the deck. The Divine has a unique way of showing their message.

Thank you, God, Divine Light, Spirit guides, Angels, and the Universe in helping me relate the best message for my viewers and all those that are in need of hearing this message to assist them in the healing process of their mind, body and Spirit. Thank you for being here with us today to help us select the best crystal or semi-precious stones best suited for our needs for the week of: Dec. 2nd-Dec. 9th. Please guide us in making the best possible choices in our week ahead, release us from any negative thoughts and allow us to embrace positive change with love, peace and understanding. I am very grateful for your divine guidance.

Namaste 🙏🏼


“Rose Quartz”

Message: Continue spreading peace and love and know that forgiveness is an act of kindness that one can truly master.

Oh what a coincidence that our Divine guidance have chosen Rose Quartz again for this week’s reading. But is it really a coincidence? or Perhaps the message here for all of us is to continue spreading peace, love and forgiveness, especially during this holiday season. Understanding and keeping in mind, that Thanksgiving, was not just the time of togetherness and gratitude, is the mark that initiates the holiday season which entails, “giving and forgiving.”

However, you must think that forgiving one self and others for their wrong actions is not an easy thing to do. Often times negative energies get a hold of ones’ emotions, making one feel angry, resentment, depressed or stressed, to name a few. In some cases even extreme and out of control measures. So how can one control that? or learn how to forgive? No one likes confrontational situations and even though one forgives, doesn’t mean one forgets, right?!

Perhaps, there are a lot of different ways that one can release these negative emotions. For some, going to the gym or seeing a therapist might just be the answer. For others, like empathic beings, a more natural approach is the answer. We then turn to Metaphysical healing, Crystal Healing, Reiki to name a few.

Perhaps, consider Rose Quartz as your Metaphysical ally that will shield and protect your heart from the negative emotions that take over your thoughts and you soul. Rose Quartz helps one release judgement, fear or regrets, so one can heal and accept things for what they are and one can move on without feeling sorrows or disappointment. It is like the saying goes; “Que Sera, Sera, or Whatever will be, will be the future's not ours to see,” but I truly believe that us, as spiritual beings, can control our present actions so our future is not tainted with karmic lessons. We need to share kindness and unconditional love for each other so one can find peace and help make the world a much better place for our younger generations. So, if you are like me, empathic and always looking for alternative healing, then know that this is why I turned to crystal healing. it is important to keep wearing what our Angels and Divine guidance suggested, Rose Quartz.

Since Rose Quartz was also the crystal for last week, I will share the link to my last post below so you can refer to it and read more in detail. . www.juliaesther.com/blog/Rose Quartz, The Crystal for The Week of November 25th-December 1st

Daily Affirmation for the Week of December 2nd - December 9th

It’s proven that saying positive daily affirmations, one can raise one’s vibration and train of thoughts. Train your mind to stay positive even when one is going through difficult situations. Embrace the new changes that are trying to come into your life.

The Spirit that I am consists of love and peace.

The Oracle Card Message is:


Ask your self these questions that will help you reveal your deepest subconscious thoughts.

Do I feel peace throughout my daily activities? How can I bring more peace into my life? How would it feel to live every moment in the consciousness of peace?

Peace, as we know, is the need to feel at ease with one’s true emotions. When you know and understand the truth of being humble and knowing your purest core essence, you will understand that your soul is the perfection of peace. You then will begin to bring this energy into your awareness every day and aspire to live in peace. Learn to quiet you mind, your thoughts, your fears. Make a conscious effort to hold on to this feeling and carry it with you throughout the day. This deep peace and sense of trust will be your anchor during your daily life experiences.

Rose Quartz Jewelry Found In Julia Esther’s Collection

It is not a matter of believing what these amazing gifts from “The Heavens” can do for you, but really appreciating their powerful qualities and how you carry the stone with you. It is preferably in a jewelry form, so you are able to instill its Metaphysical properties in its purest form.

The Rose Quartz bracelets in our Collection were created for this purpose, to help you achieve your highest self, and one can find harmony within. Each of our bracelets are handcrafted with the best quality Semi-precious stones and materials for you to enjoy for many years to come. Our Stone Index will also help you narrow down the search for the perfect stone you are in need of, so please feel free to browse.

Hope you enjoyed our first December’s −Mondays are Fundays, crystal reading. Please know that Spirits’ messages this week, is for us to understand that we need to continue being receptive to give and receive love and compassion for oneself and others. It is Rose Quartz, the stone of “Quintessential love,” that will help fill our cup of love and help us mend our hearts from experiences that wounded our hearts and souls. I think Spirit’s message here is very important and one cannot ignore. Perhaps the need to wear Rose Quartz during this month and holiday season will be essential for this time of year.

Have a marvelous December month and first week. Remember to open your heart again.

Peace and Light to all of you.

Namaste 🙏🏼❤️

P.S. Today is Cyber Monday. Take advantage of our terrific sale sitewide. Happy Shopping.

The Quote of the Week

Peace on earth begins with Peace Within.
— Sundara Fawn

DISCLAIMER: This website/blog is not intended as a substitute for the medical advice of physicians. The reader should regularly consult a physician in matters relating to his/her health and particularly with respect to any symptoms that may require diagnosis or medical attention. Crystal Healing is very effective but is not for everyone. It is a slow, gradual improvement on a time exposure basis. Please seek medical professional advice if you require fast, medical attention.


Cyndi, D. (2016). Complete Book of Chakras. Woodbury, MN: Llewellyn’s.

Robert. S & Naisha A. (2005, 2007). The Book of Stones. East Montpelier, VT: Heaven & Earth Publishing.

Judy H. (2016). The Crystal Wisdom Healing Oracle Deck, London UK. Watkins.

Sundara F. (2014). Reawakening the Soul Wisdom Cards. China. Fawn