Reflect and Renew! - Mondays are Fundays Crystal Reading for the Week of June 22nd - July 6th, 2020

Hello….. How is everyone feeling these days? Wow..I know we all have been dealing with all kinds of different energies these past few months due to all the planetary shifts, social and political issues to boot; but, there are more greater energies happening at the soul level. Now, that Mercury entered in its retrograde period in the Zodiac sign of Cancer, from June 18th - July 12th, 2020, we will be feeling perhaps a little bit more sensitive, more in-tuned with our feelings and emotions that affect our foundation and sense of stability. Perhaps, even nostalgic energies happening at the soul level— You know, nostalgic feelings of the past, of what should have, could have been? With Mercury’s retrograde energy, one has to be aware that there is a possibility of these energies of coming back, another chance for a replay —perhaps, even forgotten past love or business opportunities that might have been removed from your path for whatever reason. But, the questions here is, are you going to take a chance if it comes back to you again, or this time around, are you going to forgive and move on? Really with Mercury’s retrograde energy, one can expect the unexpected. 🤔🤷🏽‍♀️

Now, lets get on with this reading. I cannot believe that this is the last reading for the month of June. Time really is passing by fast. But, I am super excited about these past readings using this new deck — Crystal Medicine Oracle, Shamanish Cards, by Rachelle Charman and Star Seeds, Wisdom for Spiritual Growth by Nari Anastarsia. They seem to be resonating a lot more with today’s energy in the collective. I really like to continue using the affirmations of the day from the wisdom oracle deck, Reawakening the Soul, By Sundara Fawn, because I feel that the Divine has a unique way of showing their message(s). And like always— I like to start with a prayer while I am shuffling the deck.

Dear God, Divine Light, Spirit guides, Angels, and our Universe, we have embarked into a new journey, a new day, a new opportunity to find peace, joy and enlightenment for our mind, body and Spirit. We are asking for your divine guidance, with these beautiful crystal readings and uplifting Oracle messages for the week of:

June 22nd - July 6th, 2020.

Please guide us in making the best possible choices in our weeks ahead, release us from any negative thoughts and allow us to embrace only positive changes so we can manifest all of our wishes and desires.

Your Divine guidance is very much appreciated and reciprocated with love. We are very grateful!

Namaste 🙏🏼



Angels’ Messages: Reflect and Renew!

Wow..😲. Spirit knows that we have entered a time of reflection and what better way to renew one’s Spirit with Rhodonite’s gentle energy. It is time to vibrate to a higher level of consciousness and navigate through this retrograde powerful energy?!!!

Rhodonite, the stone of ‘self-worth’ will assist one with feelings of nostalgia, and help one release deep emotional feelings that may exist at the subconscious level—feelings of unworthiness, regret, failure, etc. Rhodonite’s energy will assist the heart Chakra(4th) in finding forgiveness, self-love, compassion and even help find one true life’s purpose by revealing one’s hidden talents — a deeper self-discovery of self-worth.

The number 22, a powerful number, in numerology— A Spiritual master number in form, indicates the need to give thought to much higher vibrations, by simply meditating, going deeply within to reflect, renew one’s perspective of life and understand the healing and transformation process. Perhaps we most think of Winter, a time to hibernate, when one mostly retrieve and take the time to go deep within, meditate to find clarity and reach a higher sense of consciousness. And today, being the 22nd of June, this really marks the day for one to make the shift to find a deeper Spiritual consciousness. 🙏🏼

⁓ Rhodonite ⁓



Keywords: Discovering and developing hidden talents, compassion, love, generosity, altruism.

Chakras: Heart (4th) 💚 - The Chakra of Love - Located at the heart.

Root(1st) ❤️- The Chakra of “Survival.”

Element: Fire 🔥 & Earth, 🌱

Mineral: Manganese metasilicate. Mostly occurs in massive or granular habits but can also crystallize in tabular form, often with rounded edges.

Crystal System: Triclinic

Hardness: 5.5-6.5

Color: Rose-Red, Brownish Red with black inclusions or manganese oxide.

Name Origin: From the Greek word ‘rose-red.’

Deposits: Mostly found in Sweden, Australia, India, Madagascar, Mexico, South Africa, Brazil, Canada and the U.S.A.

⁓ Spiritual, Emotional & Physical Effects ⁓

Rhodonite have metaphysical powers, and metaphysical effects and like all crystals, Rhodonite will promote or instill Metaphysical qualities for emotional, spiritual and physical healing.

Spiritually, Rhodonite helps one to understand one’s purpose, as revealed by one’s gifts or abilities. Everyone has a skill, gift or ability that they can utilize in service to Spirit, Rhodonite helps one to value one’s gifts and skills, and to perfect them for the highest good.

Emotionally, Rhodonite is the stone of self-worth. It aids one in feeling sure about one’s purpose. It can help one find a stronger sense of self and a clearer call toward one’s spiritual path.

Physically, Rhodonite is an excellent support for weight loss, detoxification and purification of the physical body. Though not a purifier in itself, it stimulates and strengthens the organs and glands, allowing them to purify the body more effectively. It is good for ridding the body of gallstones or kidney stones and can support the healing of the liver from disease or damage.

In Conclusion:

In conclusion,

We must understand what is going on at our soul’s level, and perhaps, the effects of Mercury’s retrograde period will intensify our emotions. But there is no need to panic! The Angels know that Rhodonite’s energy will assist us in releasing all the negative emotions we still hold in our hearts that prevents us form healing and moving forward. Rhodonite’s energy will help us heal the wounds of the past and find the compassion in our hearts to move forward and find a greater Spiritual purpose.

It is really a time to Spiritually hibernate, like Winter, there is a need to retrieve and take the time to go deep within, meditate and raise the vibrations to find clarity and reach a higher level of consciousness. We must reflect in our actions, and accept the new path we all have come to. It is ok to look back and release all that weighs down our hearts, but we most not dwell on what could have been done different, because things will never be the same, but our chance of making it right at the soul level has to start from within.

Always remember that “The light in me honors the light within you.”

Namaste 🙏🏼❤️

P.S. Thank you so very much for taking the time to read my blog. I love helping you embrace the Spirit of this crystal readings. You can embrace Rhodonite’s energy with our collections of Aromatherapy Zentsy Collection. Coming soon! Stay tuned!

Rhodonite Items In Julia Esther’s Collection

Julia Esther continues in her journey of finding amazing crystals to add to her collection of Jewelry. Our mission is and always will be to — harmonize your mind, body and Spirit to help you achieve your highest self, and harmony within, the reason why our Collection was created!

Please know that Julia Esther is about quality not quantity. Each of our bracelets is handcrafted with the best quality Semi-precious stones or materials for you to enjoy for many years to come. And as we get more in-tuned with our spiritual journey, our collection will keep growing, we keep looking for stones that will give you the energies and beautiful qualities that is meant to instill.

⁓ Oracle Cards Messages ⁓


Reawakening the Soul Deck

Message: Reunite your soul with Spirit in the sacred space of silence.

Only then you will understand that in silence, you will experience increasing mental and physical efficiency in your daily life. Through the calm intuitive state of inner perception, your understanding deepens and you will find answers to your questions.


Go deep within and ask yourself: Am I allowing myself the gift of meditation even morning and evening? How can I consciously bring the peace from meditation into my daily activities. Do I acknowledge the Spirit that makes up who I am? Am I ready to relinquish my thoughts and place my emphasis on remembering my divine nature?


Star seeds Wisdom for spiritual growth deck

Card Message: Your vibration is being raised to higher levels; you are connected to cosmic intelligence.

As you allow yourself to meditate, you will find the answers you seek and raise the level of spiritual consciousness. As your vibration and frequency increases, so in the level of confidence, love and gratitude. , and only then you will allow yourself to learn and grow.

⁓ Daily Affirmations for the Week of ⁓

June 22nd - July 6th, 2020

Every particle of my being is submerged in eternal light. I am filled with this light, which contains the Divine Spirit within and around my being,

Namaste 🙏🏼❤️

⁓The Quote of the Week⁓

When you go beyond the consciousness of this world, knowing that you are not the body or the mind, and yet aware as never before that you exist - that divine consciousness is what you are. You are that in which is rooted everything in the Universe.
— Paramahansa Yogananda

DISCLAIMER: This website/blog is not intended as a substitute for the medical advice of physicians. The reader should regularly consult a physician in matters relating to his/her health and particularly with respect to any symptoms that may require diagnosis or medical attention. Crystal Healing is very effective but is not for everyone. It is a slow, gradual improvement on a time exposure basis. Please seek medical professional advice if you require fast, medical attention.


1. Cyndi, D. (2016). Complete Book of Chakras. Woodbury, MN: Llewellyn’s.

2. Robert. S & Naisha A. (2005, 2007). The Book of Stones. East Montpelier, VT: Heaven & Earth Publishing.

3. Judy H. (2016). The Crystal Wisdom Healing Oracle Deck, London UK. Watkins.

4. Sundara F. (2014). Reawakening the Soul Wisdom Cards. China. Fawn

5. LON (2016). Sacred Geometry Activations Oracle, Hillsboro, Oregon: Beyond Words

6. COLLETE BARON-REID (2019). The Crystal Spirits Oracle, CA. Hayhouse, INC.

7. Charman R. (2019). Crystal Medicine Oracle Shaminan Cards. China. Rockpool Publishings.

8. Juno J. (2016). Numerology. The Romance in your Name. California, USA, DeVorss Publications.