Now Is The Time To Manifest Your Masterpiece-The Crystal for The Week of December 23rd-January 6th

Good morning beautiful souls. Can you believe that Christmas Eve is tomorrow? Wow. I think this year went super fast. Perhaps when you are really busy, the months, the days and hours come way faster. Next thing you know, 2020 is here.. Just incredible how time flies, doesn’t it?

Anyways, I wanted to let you know that today’s, Mondays are Fundays crystal reading, will be for the next and last two weeks of the year. Our next reading will resume on January 06, 2020. I am looking forward in taking this time to spend some time with my loved ones, clean and declutter my home and studio to release what no longer serves me and ,last but not least, rest..Haaaaa!!!

My advise, is for you to do the same. "Now,” is the time to declutter, rest, and replenish all your energies because we will need it for 2020. Next year, has been predicted, by many Astrologist, to be a very intense and powerful year. It is a year of the new era, with powerful planets shifting in the sign of Capricorn, which means that lots of changes in our foundation, and structures, will happen. How exciting?!. So get ready, fasten your seatbelts because 2020 will be powerful.

I also want to take this opportunity to thank you for all your support throughout 2019. Julia Esther’s success, couldn’t have been achieved without all your support. I am truly humbled and from the bottom of my heart, I would like to thank you for all your support, your purchases, likes, shares, comments, recommendations and for always believing in Julia Esther. You guys have been amazing. I am feeling really blessed and very, very grateful for serving you and assisting all of you in finding the missing link in your spiritual journey. I am eternally thankful for you all. 🙏🏼💞.

Now Let’s get started with today’s reading! I will be using— Crystals, The Stone Deck by Andrew Smart and the affirmations of the day from the wisdom oracle deck, Reawakening the Soul, By Sundara Fawn. I always like to start with a prayer while I am shuffling the deck. The Divine has a unique way of showing their message.

Thank you, God, Divine Light, Spirit guides, Angels, and the Universe in helping relate the best message for my viewers and all those that are in need of hearing this message to assist them in the healing process of their mind, body and Spirit. Thank you for being here with us today to help us select the best crystal or semi-precious stones best suited for our needs for the weeks of: Dec. 23rd -Jan 6th, 2020. Please guide us in making the best possible choices in our weeks ahead, release us from any negative thoughts and allow us to embrace positive change with love, peace and understanding for the new coming year. I am very grateful for your divine guidance.

Namaste 🙏🏼



Message: Now is the time to manifest for your masterpiece!

Wow! wow! wow! What a coincidence? Isn’t this amazing that our Angels, our Divine guidance are really wanting, the last few days of 2019, for us to set our intentions for the upcoming year, 2020. Our Angels really want to help us get down to the needy greedy and manifest our dreams with the help of Citrine, the stone of magic and manifestation.

As we know from the Citrine reading in early November, Citrine, has the metaphysical power to give one personal will, mental clarity and creativity so one can manifest anything one truly desires.

Our Angels want us to know that there is no need to be afraid or to either give up on our dreams. We have been given the green light to set our intentions and work towards manifesting our goals and what we truly desire in 2020. Believing in serendipity is necessary. Things are suppose to happen just how our Universe and God wants it to happen, and perhaps the message here is that wearing Citrine is necessary during these few weeks so it will give us assertiveness and will power to conquer even what seems impossible.

It is important that during these next few days, also, to meditate with Citrine or place Citrine under one’s pillow while you sleep to help magnify your inner wishes and desires. Know that Citrine will instill the courage one needs to discover deep down into the subconscious — one’s true desires, and wishes. Citrine will help prep the mind, the personal will, and instill courage so one can remove fears that hold one back from achieving or that prevent one from stepping over the threshold to make things happen. All strong metaphysical reasons why Citrine is a powerful ally in manifesting higher vibrations this coming year.

Keep into consideration these things — No matter how big or small your dreams are, set realistic expectations so you don’t fail in trying to achieve them. Keep a journal or create a vision board for 2020 to have a vision on the direction you might like to move forward. And remember to be patient with yourself and you will see that what you intended and manifested will start to develop sooner rather than later. No matter how hard it seems to achieve, our God, and Divine support system will help in achieving it. Trust the Universe but remember that whatever you want to manifest, do it with truth because, karma also manifests.

Daily Affirmation for the Week of December 23rd - January 6th, 2020

It’s proven that saying positive daily affirmations, one can magnify one’s vibration and train of thoughts. Train your mind to stay positive even when one is going through difficult situations. Embrace the new changes that are trying to come into your life.

I open myself to the inspiration of my creative imagination, and through the strength of my will, aligned with Divine will, I manifest my dreams.

The Oracle Cards Message is:

Abundance & Truth”

I am one with Spirit, I am abundance.

I experience life in absolute truth as an expression of spirit.

It is time to experience your own truth and discover your authentic self to find overall peace and abundance. Only then, the truth that sets deep down within one’s soul, will reveal clarity and realization of total Divine existence for guidance in finding one’s own voice, and one’s own soul.

Namaste 🙏🏼

Ask yourself these questions.

What does abundance mean to me? How can I feel more abundant? Can I allow myself to feel that I am a success exactly as I am in this moment? What truths do you believe about yourself and about others? What truths do you believe the world in which you exist? Where did this truths come from and are they in fact, the absolute truth or distorted perceptions? Are you completely authentic?

Featured Citrine Items In Julia Esther’s Collection

It is not a matter of believing what these amazing gifts from “The Heavens” can do for you, but really appreciating their powerful qualities and how you carry the stone with you. It is preferably in a jewelry form, so you are able to instill its Metaphysical properties in its purest form.

The Citrine bracelets in our Collection were created for this purpose, to help you achieve your highest self, and harmony within. Each of our bracelets are handcrafted with the best quality Semi-precious stones and materials for you to enjoy for many years to come. Our Stones’ Index will also help you narrow down the search for the perfect stone you are in need of, so please feel free to browse.

In Conclusion, hope you have enjoyed our last December’s — Mondays are Fundays crystal reading. Please know that Julia Esther’s intention is to help relate the messages Spirits want you to hear, so you can have motivation when you are feeling like you need an Angel to whisper in your ear. Always believe that with the aid of crystals and semi-precious stones, wonderful gifts of God, will help us achieve almost the impossible.

Take these last few days of December to really clear our thoughts, our spaces and to go deep within to discover our true self. Using Citrine these days will be really important as it will help magnify good intentions for 2020. So don’t hold down any longer. This is the time to manifest your truest intentions because God, our Universe, and Divine guidance have our backs. So be free and manifest away!

And last but not least, wanted to say that it has truly been a humbling experience to have been able to create Julia Esther— Website and Inner Blog. The intention has always been to promote wellness and provide you with options of handcrafted jewelry for you to wear so you can instill the metaphysical benefits of these wonderful gifts of the universe. I hope that you found it amusing and helpful as well and I am truly looking forward to a better and much exciting year. So cheers to a New Year my friends! There is a lot in store for us in 2020.

So from the bottom of our hearts, Julia Esther and family would like to wish you and your families, a Merry, Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year and for those that do not celebrate Christmas, have a joyous Holiday Season.

And remember that “The light in me honors the light within you”

Namaste 🙏🏼❤️

P.S. Take advantage of our Christmas sale. Still happening this week. Happy Shopping.

The Quote of the Week

If you do not make an effort to know truth, to perceive it beneath the veils that hide it, you will not discover your own real nature and will therefore remain at the mercy of outside forces of ‘circumstances,’ In meditation behold the star of divine wisdom, that its rays disclose the truth ever with yourself.
— Paramahansa Yogananda

DISCLAIMER: This website/blog is not intended as a substitute for the medical advice of physicians. The reader should regularly consult a physician in matters relating to his/her health and particularly with respect to any symptoms that may require diagnosis or medical attention. Crystal Healing is very effective but is not for everyone. It is a slow, gradual improvement on a time exposure basis. Please seek medical professional advice if you require fast, medical attention.


Cyndi, D. (2016). Complete Book of Chakras. Woodbury, MN: Llewellyn’s.

Robert. S & Naisha A. (2005, 2007). The Book of Stones. East Montpelier, VT: Heaven & Earth Publishing.

Judy H. (2016). The Crystal Wisdom Healing Oracle Deck, London UK. Watkins.

Sundara F. (2014). Reawakening the Soul Wisdom Cards. China. Fawn