Free Yourself Once and For All!! Howlite, The Crystal for The Week of December 17h-December 23rd

Good morning beautiful souls. Oh what an exciting and celestial week?! Our recent full lunar event this past December 11th-12th, in my opinion, was a perfect time to be wearing Yellow (Honey) Calcite, our last week’s crystal. As we know Yellow Calcite, is the stone for courage and determination in setting goals— being that this was the last full moon of 2019, both energies, the moon’s and Yellow Calcite, really magnified the setting of our intentions. It helped us release the shadows of our subconscious, prepping us for the Divine light to shine upon our true wishes and desires to successfully one can take effective concrete actions for the upcoming year, 2020.

But overall, I find that wearing Yellow (Honey) Calcite this week, really got me to organize my thoughts, giving me courage and determination to go after unfinished business that I procrastinated for awhile now, which, subconsciously prevented me from moving forward. It is really an amazing feeling to look back and feel accomplished. Just put it this way, I will be wearing Yellow (Honey Calcite) more often. 😉. I am curious to know what it did for you? Feel free to let me know in the comments below. I would love to hear from you. I will now stop and keep on with the Mondays are Fundays Crystal reading. 🤐 😉

Now Let’s get started! Today, I will be using— Crystals, The Stone Deck by Andrew Smart and the affirmations of the day from the wisdom oracle deck, Reawakening the Soul, By Sundara Fawn. I always like to start with a prayer while I am shuffling the deck. The Divine has a unique way of showing their message.

Thank you, God, Divine Light, Spirit guides, Angels, and the Universe in helping me relate the best message for my viewers and all those that are in need of hearing this message to assist them in the healing process of their mind, body and Spirit. Thank you for being here with us today to help us select the best crystal or semi-precious stones best suited for our needs for the week of: Dec. 17th -Dec. 23rd. Please guide us in making the best possible choices in our week ahead, release us from any negative thoughts and allow us to embrace positive change with love, peace and understanding. I am very grateful for your divine guidance.

Namaste 🙏🏼


“Howlite” The White Turquoise

Message: Free Yourself Once and For All!

After the storm of rushing energy, comes the calmness with Howlite this week. Howlite, known as white turquoise, will calm the rushing waves of super high vibrational energies or emotional distress and replace with a sense of peace and understanding.

Howlite, a very porous white silicate mineral— found in evaporite deposites, has a calcium borosilicate hydroxide crystal system with hardness of 3.5. It’s associated minerals include colemanite, ulexite, anhydrite, gypsum, colemanite and clay. Howlite is often a confusing mineral to classify because some confuse it with Magnesite mineral, but the two have totally different minerals content. However, the focus today will be on the selected crystal card, Howlite.

Howlite named after the Canadian Gemologist, Henry How, was originally found in Nova Scotia/Canada during the 19th Century. Howlite can also be found in Newfoundland, New Brunswick, Turkey, Mexico, Germany, Russia and a range of sites in California and Nevada. Today oversize and large nodules, weighing up to 100lbs., have been found in California.

Howlite’s natural appearance is shaped in clusters of nodules, resembling small cauliflower’s heads and usually white in color with gray or black veins. Its high porosity allows it to be dyed or stained in many fun and vibrant colors with a nice lustreous and polished finish. Unfortunately because of its black veining patterns, it is often colored to imitate expensive turquoise or other gemstones and “many” mislead the public of its origin. In a much lighter note though, it is very versatile and an inexpensive and more affordable alternative if one is after the color and the look of the stone is being imitated.

Chakras Activation:

Metaphysically, crystals can help raise the vibrations for each of in-body chakra. We will refer to the main seven core chakras, each having a specific function and linked to a major nerve plexus that regulates and activates each core’s physical, psychological, and spiritual functions. The in-body chakra system is often seen as a rainbow, with each chakra progressing through the seven colors of the rainbow, from the first chakra (red) located in the hips to the seventh chakra ( white) located at the top of the head.

Howlite activate the following Chakras:

Crown (7th Chakra) ♡ - Located at top of head, is our source of “Spirituality.”

Throat (5th Chakra)💙 - Located at throat in the neck above collarbone, source of “Communication.”

Third Eye (6th Chakra) 💜 - Located at forehead & centered above eyebrows, source of “Vision”

So What are the Metaphysical Benefits of Howlite?

Metaphysically, Howlite, have major advantages to those who carry, wear or incorporate within their environments.

Spiritually, Howlite will assist with the attuning of the mind for higher spiritual consciousness. It helps with past life and dream recalling; but, main promoting factor is, to help clarify the mind, and balance Yin/Yang energies — the irrational with the rational. It helps purify one’s thoughts and process by releasing negative thoughts with positive thoughts stimulating one's desire to strengthen the mind and improving knowledge.

Emotionally, Howlite is an uplifting stone promoting peace, compassion and understanding. It helps in releasing stress, tension and anxiety. It encourages positive and emotional expression assisting one in the elimination of painful and distressed feelings, such as rage, selfishness, rudeness, and greed.

Physically, Howlite does the body good. It assists the Skeletal System with Calcium absorption for the bones and teeth, can balance the emotions and helps with the muscular system by relaxing and releasing muscular tension. It can assist anyone who is diagnosed with Bone Disorders and Health, Dental Pain and Problems, Lactating, Osteoporosis; Skeletal System.


In conclusion, Howlite, although is dyed, is not a bad alternative to those that choose to wear it. It really does the body spiritually, emotionally and physically some good. Why not include it in your crystal library? It seems to help in gaining clarity, balance of Yin/Yang energies, release stressful emotions that don’t let one truly be and help with the consumption of Calcium, to name a few. Try putting under your pillow at night so you can have some interesting dreams, if you are like me, keep a journal and see what is the message the Angels are trying to send through your dreams. Try also meditating with it during your soul searching to gain more clarity in your actions and discover your true desires. So happy peace searching with Howlite! 😊

Daily Affirmation for the Week of December 17th - December 23rd

It’s proven that saying positive daily affirmations, one can raise one’s vibration and train of thoughts. Train your mind to stay positive even when one is going through difficult situations. Embrace the new changes that are trying to come into your life.

I am grateful for the abundant goodness in my life.

The Oracle Cards Message is:


Feel the Soul’s wisdom through a heart of compassion. I know forgive everyone and myself. I AM FREE!!!

Are you holding onto any person who you feel has caused you or you caused them any form of pain and suffering? Clinging on to these emotions can be burdens to the mind, the soul, and the Spirit. Forgiving others or yourself for the wrong doing is not an easy feeling to release. It is not the matter of who is right or wrong but a matter of engaging in the act of forgiveness and releasing these toxic emotions so your heart can heal and have the flow of pureness and regain the love flow into your essence.

Our hearts are yearning for peaceful healing and forgiveness. Like God, he forgives us for our trespassing, now is the time for us to do the same and free ourselves once and for all.

Namaste 🙏🏼

Featured Howlite Items In Julia Esther’s Collection

It is not a matter of believing what these amazing gifts from “The Heavens” can do for you, but really appreciating their powerful qualities and how you carry the stone with you. It is preferably in a jewelry form, so you are able to instill its Metaphysical properties in its purest form.

The Howlite bracelets in our Collection were created for this purpose, to help you achieve your highest self, and harmony within. Each of our bracelets are handcrafted with the best quality Semi-precious stones and materials for you to enjoy for many years to come. Our Stone Index will also help you narrow down the search for the perfect stone you are in need of, so please feel free to browse.

Hope you enjoyed our third week of December’s −Mondays are Fundays, crystal reading. Please know that Spirits’ messages this week, is for us to understand that clinging of negative emotions become burdens to the heart, mind, and soul. Overtime, these burdens become poison to your spirit, and your emotional, or physical well-being. Perhaps, the need of crystal healing is a way one can learn to release these emotions. Wearing White Howlite will neutralize the feeling of resentment and anger, alleviating ones heart of stressful thoughts and patterns that seem to block one’s good Chi. By allowing good flow of Chi, deep within your heart, suddenly compassion awakens and everything starts to shift, karmic lessons start to dissolve and you then my friend, will set yourself free.

Wishing you a marvelous third week of December month.

Peace and Light to all of you.

Namaste 🙏🏼❤️

P.S. Take advantage of our Christmas sale. Still happening this week. Happy Shopping.

The Quote of the Week

Real happiness can stand the challenge of all outer experiences. When you can bear the crucifixions of other’s wrongs against you and still return love and forgiveness; and when you can keep that divine inner peace intact despite all painful thrusts of outer circumstance, then you shall know this happiness.
— Paramahansa Yogananda

DISCLAIMER: This website/blog is not intended as a substitute for the medical advice of physicians. The reader should regularly consult a physician in matters relating to his/her health and particularly with respect to any symptoms that may require diagnosis or medical attention. Crystal Healing is very effective but is not for everyone. It is a slow, gradual improvement on a time exposure basis. Please seek medical professional advice if you require fast, medical attention.


Cyndi, D. (2016). Complete Book of Chakras. Woodbury, MN: Llewellyn’s.

Robert. S & Naisha A. (2005, 2007). The Book of Stones. East Montpelier, VT: Heaven & Earth Publishing.

Judy H. (2016). The Crystal Wisdom Healing Oracle Deck, London UK. Watkins.

Sundara F. (2014). Reawakening the Soul Wisdom Cards. China. Fawn