Welcome to My Inner Voice blog

Hello beautiful souls.. thank you for visiting my blog.. I wanted to first share with you a little story related to why I named my blog - My Inner Voice. You see, a few months ago, a professional Akashic Record Reader, told me about my past life roles and how, in this lifetime, it has blocked my throat Chakra, the gateway to communication..

So what is an Akashic Record reader? According to this lady, an Akashic reader, is someone that simply intuitively goes back on time and sees the complete history of one’s life record and soul’s journey. With that said, Akashic Record, is basically the history of all the lives and roles each of us have lived in our lifetime, including the present one. She did not go much into details, but she did mention a few things that left me intrigued and curious. Which brings me to why I wanted to share this story.

You see, for the past few years, I have been in search of finding the missing link in my present life’s journey. With years of research and submitting myself to newer methods of natural healing, I have transformed my life in a way that I would have never dreamed of. It was an epiphany that changed my whole point of view and brought me to a major spiritual evolution, transforming me to this point in my life. However, this lady’s message brought something I was not expecting. She brought me closure of the traumas in my past lives and made me realize even further, why I was having all those issues in my life in the first place. Now leading me to another major aha moment, another epiphany.

I was truly intrigued and shocked to hear the message she conveyed:

“In your previous lives’ journeys, you had many different roles as a male. Interestingly, you have been a leader most of your lives, like Kings or Knights. You liked to speak for the people & fight for the people. Which explains your male energies in this female role and the need to be a leader in your current careers to simply help those in need. But in this role, you are having to face issues with your throat Chakra because of trauma that you lived in your past lives. In that era, they used to kill people by cutting their heads off or slitting their throats which explains how that has affected you in this lifetime causing you to have communication issues and even physical issues.”

I was startled by her message and I could not believe what I was hearing. Let me clarify that she did not know who I was. She had no knowledge of my lucid dreams which have taken me back to the Knights era in which I wake up before they cut my head off. These very intense and scary dreams, were unforgettable and hard for me to comprehend. She didn’t know I was having issues with my Thyroid either. But after hearing her message, it confirmed many unanswered questions that I had about my persona. Why I have lived such a traumatic life experience and challenging situations that lead me to have this major transformations and epiphanies in this lifetime. It explains why I had such a hard time communicating my good intentions without being judge and critiqued, preventing me from reaching my highest potential and true expression. And why it was time to heal.

It was a true realization that lead me to believe that I finally found the missing link that I needed to hear, helping me understand my true purpose in life, understanding all the health issues that I was faced with earlier in my life and the fear to communicate without being judge. This had lead me to make some changes that have helped me regain and revitalize my Chakras so I can effectively communicate. And now, I do have a Voice.

With this said, I am so grateful to have this opportunity to communicate with you now through my Blog, Julia Esther’s, Inner Voice. I want to share any information downloaded for the collective and anything that you are in need to hear to motivate and elevate your spiritual, physical, emotional & environmental well-being. From my products that I create or collaborate with other creative souls, to information on Metaphysics & Feng Shui principles, all with emphasis and geared to promote awareness on how to improve your overall emotional, physical and environmental harmony and prosperity.

Stay tuned to all the wonderful materials that I will be posting soon and lets stay connected. Sign up for my Newsletter or follow me on, Facebook or Instagram below. I appreciate all your likes, comments and feedback. Grab a cup of tea because it is time to reveal the inner voice.

So very grateful for you all! The Light in me, sees the light in you.


Julia Esther

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